Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday, April 17th 2007 - The Matrix

It is not as easy as I thought before to oust yourself from what you have been doing for almost 10 years. At some point I think it must be the system that creates us (or only me?) to serve business purpose. I meant, have I been fed for 20 plus years in the educational system for working for another? Look around and I found that the first thing most people do when/before they graduate is, in my point of view, looking for a job. In my class only 13% had thought of doing their own businesses while the rest happy getting a job in big named companies (including me even though mine wasn't). One of my friend so doomed being stuck with her family business and she struggled until she got a job in a company. Me? Give me 500 K and you will see if it is worth to try!



Blogger Mohammed Abdlemeguid said...

Yeah, you got a point. Although i'm so young - only 2 years of office work- i have a feeling about this. You get drained to the last drop to the benifit of someone else. And maybe your not helping your country - as in my case- as you imagine by being a gear in the machine.
but one benifit of this is stability... you don't risk money so you don't lose money. It is true you dont gain money too, but your content with fixed income.
It is not a problem of who wants..it is a problem of who dares. in the mean time I do not dare :).

3:34 AM  
Blogger snirattikulchai said...

My advise for a young man as you. Don't be hurry buying things like house, car if you plan to have your own business. I was like stuck in the mud and hardly do what I want to do. Anyway, I still can do both. Can't I :)

3:04 AM  
Blogger Mohammed Abdlemeguid said...

Thx dude, I'll consider it.. although i already dont buy unless what i need badly..and still nothing left to save :D

5:45 AM  

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