Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who am I?

Have you ever seen a dog that lost all its dog-being? Dog-being is my so-called word even though I couldn't find it in my dictionary... Dogs characteristics are
- They have fur except some species
- They know how to bark
- They bark or wag their tail towards people
- They know how to express emotion without speaking
- They spend 12 hours in sleeping
But I don't understand people who take their dogs to dogs school just to suppress their nature. Having understand how to sit, bite, stand-up, walk, get the ball is fine but most of those graduated dogs I have seen so far they are just...not dogs anymore. How? They don't care anything else but their owners. If you walk towards this kind of dog and say something you will get nothing back. Seems like they are deaf or being mad. Dogs wag their tail or bark to stranger, folks. You wear them with nice clothes, cradle them the same way you do with babies (having their two back-legs between your hib...what a dog), and you kiss them.. OK, OK, it's your dogs. I am just doing my research on the "Possibility that people growing children the same way as they do with dogs" My paper has given a proven result that children and dogs have been raised that way will lose their nature. They will simply not know who they are. And sadly enough they are just follower.. Not the leader. By the way, my paper is also shown that dogs' owners in the samplings have the possibility to be Power hungers...



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